Sunday 27 November 2011

Yesterday My House Like A Jusco!!!!!!!

So... yesterday (27November2011,Sunday) My house exactly like JUSCO...! Owh no!! crowded ! Yeah!! a lot of my relatives came and busy with their stories! And i like wandering for something !! Then teatime , so brother and my mother asked me to make NESCAFE!! Haha.... i expert  in making NESCAFE like my aunt!! So i did for them...! Then, my bro said like this 'Tambah Satu Lagi'..! On that time evryone stare to me and started laugh!! Okay!! Cool i know it's really kinda funny and weird!! Haha....! So 
_-_14,15,16or17December2011_-_ my uncle..will come from (New Zealand). He is my mom's lil brother and his age?????~~> 21 years old! Yeah!! but being my uncle...??!! Owh please i really hate him a lot!!!! For my relatives even my father side or my mother side they all like my bro, then others..! But NOT ME! Cause... i'm something like this lah like that lah!! Owh please ! I don't give a DAMN SHIT! So... i already know what to do for being myself!! again i wanna tell to you that this is ME,MYSELF and I :))
About Me,Myself and I

♥ ME

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