Friday 2 December 2011

Sweet♥ Only For Couples

♥ 7 signs your falling in love♥

7. You'll read their texts over and over again

6. You'll walk really really slow while you r with them

5. They become all you think about

4. You'll get high just by their smell

3. You'll realize that you're always smiling, when you think about them

2. You'll do anything for them

1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time

Boy:- Heyy ?

Girl:- Yeah...How are you?

Boy:- I am fine. Can you make My Biggest dream come true ?

You are the only one Who can do so...

Girl:- Sure....what's your dream. . ?

Boy:- I just want your one signature darling...please...

Girl:- Don't be sad baby, , where you want my signature. ?

Boy:- On Our 'Marriage Certificate ♥♥♥

Girl: lets just break up...*
boy: ok then, ill just go back to my ex
girl: wow you are an idiot. we're totally over,
next day ..
boy: I still love u
girl:i thought we break up? & you said that you would go back to your ex right?
boy: exactly, i'm coming back to you♥♥:)

the boy & the girl were online chatting]

boy: So..have you ever been in love?

girl: of course, i mean love is so hard, you know

boy: how is it hard?

girl: well, when you love someone, sometimes they
just don't love you back.

boy: is that what your feeling right now?

girl: haha no [she lied]

boy: ohh..well, i gotta go bye [he lied]

girl: okay bye

[the boy signed off, but he really didn't sign off, he
was offline,
but the girl thought he really did sign off]

girl: [she sighed & one tear went down on her face..
but then she typed]...i love you ♥..

boy: [then the boy typed] i love you, too ♥

Tonight when you look up at the stars..♥
..try and count them all,
I miss you that much..♥
When you go to the beach..♥
♥..try to count every grain of sand,
I trust you that much..♥

When you go in the water..♥
♥..try and count each drop of water in the ocean,
I need you that much..♥

When your heart beat..
♥....try and count each and every beat for a day,
I love you that much....♥

1:00 am ---> I'm Still awake.
1:01 am ----> You're in my head.
1:02 am ---> I think of your eyes ... ♥
1:03 am ---> I Smile :)
1:04 am ---> I try to sleep again ...
1:20 am ---> You're still in my head.
1:30 am ---> Get out of my head ... I think ..
1:40 am ---> Still can't sleep ... hhmmm...
2:00 am ---> I think of your lips ........ ♥
2:30 am ---> I need a 'Good Night & Sweet Dreams' from You ♥
3:00 am ---> I'm tired
4:00 am ---> You ♥ You ♥ and You again ♥
5:00 am ---> You're still in my head ...
5:30 am ---> You're in my heart [ ♥ ]
6:00 am ---> I finally fall asleep .... Zzzz...Zzz♥ zzzzz ♥ zzzz....
7:30 am ---> I most wake up .. Damn! 

A Girl asked her Boyfriend

GF: Why do you love me?
BF: I have no reason.

GF didnt like it 'n say

GF: No. Give me a reason.
BF: Oh.okay... 'beCoz you're beautiful, caring 'nd attractive.

Girl was satisfied,
Then one day she got sick 'nd look Terribly Thin, Pale 'nd Weak...

GF: Do you still love me?
BF: Now that you're not pretty 'nd attractive do i have a reason to love you?

Girl Cried...
The boy hold her hand 'n say...

BF: Now you Understand?

"Love doesn't need reasons.
I Love You 'nd still love you no matter what Happens." ♥ ♥ ♥

Girl: if i ask u to jump down, will u do it?

Boy: yes i will…….

Girl: Why?

Boy : because i know you’ll catch my hand n pull me up.

Girl: if i don’t then?

Boy: Then I’ll die with the belief that you tried Ur best but couldn’t save me...♥

♥ Love is not about doing something but about believing someone ♥

I'm Not Angry Because We Broke Up,
I'm Sad Because I Can't Let You Go..

I'm Not Angry At You For Not Loving Me,
I'm Angry With Me For Still Loving You..

I'm Not Angry That I Lost You,
I'm Sad Because I Once Had You..

I'm Not Angry That I Can't Have You,
I'm Sad Because I Know What I'm Missing..

I'm Not Angry That You've Moved On,
I'm Sad Because I Can't..

I'm Not Angry That You Won't Come Back,
I'm Sad Because I Keep Hoping You Will..

I'm Not Angry Because I Hate You And Don't Want To,
I'm Sad Because I Miss You And I Love You..! ♥ ♥ 

♥ ♥ Girl :

I Saw Him Again Today
I Tried Smiling At Him, But He Just Looked Away
I Regret Doing Everything I Did To Hurt Him
I Know He Wouldn't Want Me Now
He's The Only Thing On My Mind
I Was Stupid And Naive, It Shouldn't Have Ended
I Wish I Could Tell Him:
How Much I Need Him ♥

♥ ♥ Boy :
I Saw Her Again Today
She Looks So Happy
It Hurts To Know That I Use To Call Her Mine
I Wish I Still Could Call Her Mine
SHe's All I Ever Think About
I Know It Shouldn't Have Ended This Way
I Wish SHe Knew:
How Much I Miss Her♥ ... 

♥ Cutest Love ♥

Girl: Will you ever hurt me??

Boy: Hmmmm, i will....

Girl: really?? :(

Boy: the only way i could hurt you is by hugging you too tight ^_^

Girl: i love the way ♥ ♥ ♥ U LOVE ME ♥ ♥ ♥

How can You "SM_LE" without "I"

How can You be "F_NE" without "I"
How can You "W_SH" without "I"
How can You be "FR_END" without "I"
"I" am very Important !
But this "I" can never achieve "S_CCESS" without "U" ♥ !! ;))

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