Saturday 31 December 2011

True of You My dear Uncle

Okay helow everyone ;)

Tonight i wanna share a story which happen to me ;).
  Before this i have tell that i got one uncle which come from New Zealand. I tell about him really bad..! Even too bad. But now i'm going to tell about him that he is AWESOME uncle ever in my Life. He always care about me. I'm sorry :D But my bro tell me that he is just use me for his 'PROBLEM'. After my bro tell like that.. i feel like weird. Is that life is really weird?? Ermm... guess what?? My bro also telling the truth..that maybe he is using me..! Whatever! But i don't want fight anymore. Cause fighting is nothing!! What should i do?? Even i also don't know..!! Keep thinking the right way to solve problem. I know about my bro cause he ALREADY hate uncle. But he need to think that people can change. Hope both of you can be the best. And i'll try to think the right way to make both of you friend.
Maybe this is a challenge for me?? Yeah!! i guess it so.

Okay, thanks for spending time to read this article.
Love You Ya!! 
Bye Bye.. :)

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